If you want to invest in time-tested proven techniques rather than short-term trends…
consider Galveston Wood Windows
When windows are replicated the details are critical. The rail and stile widths, sash bar and muntin spacing and profiles, light or pane size and number, as well as trims, frames, and sills design all matter.
When following a simple maintenance plan, sashes that have been constructed using these old-style joinery methods have lasted well over 100 years. Your Galveston house may very well be a testament to the longevity of quality craftsmanship. It is now up to our generation of ownership to continue the history that has been passed to us so we can then pass these buildings on to the next.
All our sashes are constructed in a historical sticking profile, hardwood dowel pinned, haunched and through mortise-and-tenon at the top and bottom rails and hardwood dowel pinned, bridle mortise-and-tenon joinery at the meeting rails. We consider this the oldest and best method for sash construction. It is a strong, time-tested, and serviceable technique that can be maintained over the decades. This traditional old-style construction allows the individual pieces of the sash to be taken apart to repair if and when needed. If only one or two pieces of your original sash are defective, most likely, they can be repaired rather than replaced— and we can do that at Galveston Wood Windows.